What is the best to way capture flower image

best to way capture flower image:

Flower is the most beautiful this in the nature. Every human being loves flower. some times flower indicate the love. One give flower to another if the love him/her or to show respect. In our digital world we aslo love to sahre and capture flower photos. But a bad things that after capturing flower the person who captured himself or herself does not like his or her own photograph. So in life evry step learn something by own experience or by the help of someone. Here I am going to share some best method to capture image of flowers. Let’s know….

  • Use a fast and close focusing lens: A macro lens is an ideal option to click a flower image it will give a fascinating look because it go quite close. But it is not the only option. A 50mm or 80mm lens with max appurture of f/ 1.4 or f/2.0 etc will also good .
  • Nice background: When you will capture a image with nice background it will become a nice photo. Try to take from differnt angle and find something iteresting in the background (mind it: background should not more interesting than the flower you are clicking). Also you take horizone as a background.
  • FLatness: When you capturing a flower from a close distance it will be better if the surface is flat because then yhe focus will be perfect and the background will be blurred out. like below
  • Background in distance: If you able to separate bacgorund from the flower then the flower will be more hlighted. Best way to do this capturing flower 1st knee down and capture the flower with horizone background.
  • Mess with colour: After capturing a flower poto edit the picture in your device (e.g use Light room app or anything else) by differnt colour.
  • Use the shade: Most of the people click flower picture in the sunlight but due to diffuse of light most of the time it does not look good. To avoid this problem use your won shadow to save tou photo from diffraction of sun light.
  • Contrast: Use colour contarst to separate your background from the flower. because bacground does matter upto wehen it separated from the main object. Some time the bacground is more attaractive than the object , to overcome this problem use contast of colour.

Hope you have learn some thing new for flower photography. If you love photography and want to learn tip and tricks about photography then you should follow


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